Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Big Belly!

Last week I went to Big Belly Burgers and ate a burger that was as big as my face.

1/2 Pound Big Belly Burger as big as my face!
We were going to have dinner at home but we did not have time to make it, set the table and eat it in a half hour because it was a school night.

I ate the burger in about 15 minutes. It was as big as my face and then as small as my nose and then it was gone. It was so big that my dad bet me that I could not eat it, but I bet I could so I got $10.00 just for eating it and a couple of french fries. 

It all started because I ordered a kids cheeseburger and they accidentally got me a grown-up cheeseburger. It was like half a cow and a year ago I would not eat the tiniest nibble of a cheeseburger. And they gave me a pretty big side of extra pickles. I ate two sides of extra pickles because I got one first, but my burger was supposed to have just ketchup but it had lettuce, tomato, pickles, and onions, and mayonnaise.

We also got some kind of sweet potato fries, they were so good, but the waitress kept calling them the wrong thing.

Now you know about the time I ate a cheeseburger as big as my face at Big Belly Burgers right down the neighborhood road.


  1. Holy burger, Batman!

    This one time my husband and I went out to dinner in Italy. It was a tiny little town with a tiny little restaurant and we thought we would order a tiny little steak. Talk about a cow and a half! We love to eat a nice, juicy steak but WOW was this thing huge. We should have taken a picture like you did but I think we were too stunned.

    I wish someone had paid me $10 to eat it!

  2. I can't believe you ate the whole burger!

  3. I'm glad you ate it so it doesn't take the place of your face any more!
